10th Annual Labor Day Bible Conference and Retreat

Join us for the 10th Annual Labor Day Bible Conference and Retreat, hosted by Dr. Randy White of Randy White Ministries. This year, we are excited to present a unique courtroom-themed event under the compelling theme, "Prove It!"

Date: Friday, August 30, 2024 - Monday, September 2, 2024

Location: Thousand Hills Resort Hotel, Branson, MO

What to Expect

In a dynamic and engaging courtroom setting, we will examine and “prove” some of the most intriguing and controversial topics in Christianity. Dr. Randy White will lead us through a series of sessions where we will delve deep into biblical texts and theological arguments, presenting evidence and testimonies as if in a court of law.

Topics to be Proven

  • You are not a saint
  • Christian biblical chronology is almost wholly wrong
  • Christmas was Dec. 25
  • Hebrews was written by Paul
  • Believing Jews were keeping the law until AD 70
  • The Rapture has to be pre-tribulational
  • The “Gospel of Christ” is not the Grace Gospel
  • The doctrine of Total Depravity is Totally Depraved
    • And therefore there is no such thing as an “old sin nature” that is integral to your being

Why Attend?

  • Learn from Dr. Randy White, a right-dividing Bible teacher known for his in-depth biblical studies and thought-provoking teachings.
  • Network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about theology, right division, and biblical studies.
  • Enjoy a retreat experience in the beautiful setting of Branson, MO, a great place for relaxation and fellowship.


Registration for 3 night option

2 night option available

Note: 2 night option available.

  • Triple Occupancy: $299 each
  • Double occupancy: $349.00 each
  • Single:$499 each

What’s Included:

  • Accommodation for 3 nights at Thousand Hills Resort Hotel.
    • Two night option available
  • Conference materials and access to all sessions
  • Conference snacks
  • Sunday Night Special Event - we are making plans for a great 10th Year celebration!! Info TBA soon!

How to Register

To register, please click here or contact us at:

  • Phone: 575-224-3251

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your biblical understanding and engage in rigorous theological discussion. Join us this Labor Day weekend for an unforgettable experience!